Hospital de Día Pte. Néstor C. Kirchner i San Miguel de Tucumán

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaHospital de Día Pte. Néstor C. Kirchner



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128, Provincia de Mendoza, T4000, San Miguel de Tucumán, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 381 452-6114
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.8293578, Longitude: -65.1984965

kommentar 5

  • Yonathan Amaya

    Yonathan Amaya


    The truth is impeccable, the treatment they have towards people, the dentist is impeccable as he treats you, out of 10 the best thing that this hospital answers the phone when in doubt

  • Silvia Suarez

    Silvia Suarez


    I've been trying for days to get an appointment for traumatology (knee specialist) and they don't even answer the phone. It is a pity so much propaganda that the government does with public entities and it is not so.

  • elizabeth alderete

    elizabeth alderete


    The secretary of the dental area is infumable, intractable, lousy attention, you give her a piece of paper to read the referral, she can't even read the first part, another person attends (just as badly or worse) than not being able to go to the bathroom She wanted to know how long it would take for them to attend her (there are no bathrooms available for you to go through! A hospital of such magnitude does not have bathrooms for patients!) And the secretary answered that if she wanted to leave, she should go, and you still have to repeat what the other part of the derivation said. Why do they have disastrous secretaries like that?!

  • Alejandra Guzman

    Alejandra Guzman


    The hospital is immaculate. But it seems to me that they should attend dentistry without referrals from another hospital. Since the other hospitals are overwhelmed. And here there are several dentists, by the way, very good care. But they should do everything, not just pull teeth. It is a waste of staff and building. That should change.

  • Natalia Gelatti

    Natalia Gelatti


    To do the isopado it takes you to wait approximately 5 hours in line, in full sun in the morning and many people with a fever under it. My mother, who was also there for the same reason, her blood pressure dropped (quite a bit) and no doctor wanted to treat her (isn't this a hospital?) And if they proposed to transfer her in 107, she had to go with the authorization of a doctor Just for that and nothing more than that, they treated her inside the feverish state and they didn't even have to take pressure. Once inside, it didn't take us more or less than 15 min ... and I say, what did they take so long for? PS: you can't even go to the bathroom ...

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