Hostal de Granados i AAH

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaHostal de Granados


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374, Chile, C1098, AAH, Comuna 1, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 9 11 4938-8344
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.616043, Longitude: -58.371395

kommentar 5

  • sarah ouellet

    sarah ouellet


    Probably the worst hostel I’ve ever stayed at. The shower curtain had mold and the kitchen is super filthy, they played music until 1am… bring earplugs. Staff was 7/10. Price is cheap…. And good location, they get 1 star

  • Shawn



    I reserved directly via WhatsApp with the owner and said I would be there to give a deposit and ID. I immediately traveled for 1 hour by bus from across the city only to arrive to a fully booked hostel. The owner had lied and didn't honor our reservation. Thanks for wasting my time!!!! On a side note, the receptionist was polite and tried to help.

  • Sebastian Perez

    Sebastian Perez


    Hotel's workers stole my laptop and 300 euros, the hostel washed their hands

  • Malo dem

    Malo dem


    Great hostel ! The staff is super welcoming and will give you advices on where to visit and all the tips. There is a good community feeling here, most of the residents will always be happy to discuss with you if you’re opened for it. Argentinians and people from all around the world. Price / quality quota is there. Thanks again

  • Danilo Lang

    Danilo Lang


    I've stayed with my wife at the private room with bath. Bathroom without toilet seat!!, poor bath cleaning (they left an used soap with hair on it from last customer), air conditioning not working at all with 35C outside and inside the room. Good location. Definitely not the best option if you look for some confort or the minimum to stay and rest. They have 4 floors without an elevator, be prepared for some exercise!

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