Hotel NH Buenos Aires Crillón i Buenos Aires

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ArgentinaHotel NH Buenos Aires Crillón



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796, Avenida Santa Fe, C1059, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4310-2000
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.5952349, Longitude: -58.378279

kommentar 5

  • mdomin02



    Had an issue with wifi, management was amazing at solving the problem by providing me with options including a room change which ultimately nipped the gremlin!

  • A. B.

    A. B.


    A typical NH Hotel as you find them everywhere.Rooms are clean and comfortable, breakfast buffet is good, friendly staff, value for money is always good in a NH.

  • en

    andrea avagnina


    The room is comfortable, and the bed also. No moquette in the room. But the bathroom... Absolutely too narrow! It's almost impossible to use it in two people, or you have to move between toilet, bidet and sink like in the "Tetris" game. The shower is the only place in the bathroom that is well done. The breakfast is standard like in all the NH I tried in BA. But the receptionists are remarkable! Friendly, ready to help, efficient!

  • Emily N

    Emily N


    Location is perfect, just by San Martin Square! Lots of nearby restaraunts. Bus stop is across the street, and the subway is only a few steps outside. Rooms are of great quality and staff is friendly!

  • Alan Mckay

    Alan Mckay


    It wasn't the greatest hotel went for breakfast seen the chief drop buns on floor and put them back on counter couldn't eat breakfast after that and the toilets in the reception was always dirty and smelt horrible the rooms smelt horrible. one good thing from the hotel was the reception staff and security was very friendly and helpful we stayed for 3 days there were no English tv channels and no coffee and tea facilities in room would never stay here again.

nærmeste Nabolag

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