Hotel NH Córdoba Panorama i Córdoba

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ArgentinaHotel NH Córdoba Panorama


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251, Avenida Marcelo T. de Alvear, X5000, Córdoba, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 351 410-3900
internet side:
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Latitude: -31.41731, Longitude: -64.190041

kommentar 5

  • Christian Bergamo

    Christian Bergamo


    Excellent option in Cordoba, great location, plenty of lunch and dinner options around, great wifi speed and a very good breakfast.

  • Titus Ahciarliu

    Titus Ahciarliu


    This is the 4th centrally located hotel that I've tried in Córdoba so far and it is the best. Staff speak English, the rooms are reasonable, the breakfast is basic but diverse, the gym is small but has a small pool too on the roof. And most of all, the internet connection is good! This is the biggest issue I had in the other hotels.

  • en

    Pedro Nunes


    Good overall service, decoration and installations are a bit dated. Terrific view from 15th floor where the gym is. Good location

  • en

    Aaron Ambrose


    First hotel in Argentina so I have little reference, front desk service was great, thanks Julia! Rooms are clean and minimalistic, but have the basics. Breakfast is nice but additional charge. WiFi is reasonably stable but not very fast.

  • birdhunter9999



    Clean rooms. Staff was helpful and could speak English. Good breakfast provided with the room as well.

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