Hotel NH Tango i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaHotel NH Tango



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550, Cerrito, C1010, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4124-6700
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.601616, Longitude: -58.382399

kommentar 5

  • Rafi Shounia

    Rafi Shounia


    This place has excellent service, they are on top of everything. Rooms are just perfect in every aspect. The location of this hotel it's just perfect to get anywhere walking distance. Roo. Service it can't be any better.

  • Cihan Yondem

    Cihan Yondem


    I stayed 4 nights. Otel is good, acceptable breakfast. Room was pretty clean and nice. I was welcome by a young receptionist Tobi. He was fantastic. Kind, helpful and very hospitable. I had great 4 nights. I recommend the hotel.

  • MarolineF



    This was my accommodation during a business trip. Its location is strategic in the city, a place for comfort, convenience & class. The staff had limited conduct of English, however, they try their best to accommodate your needs. The breakfast buffet had a good amount of choices and their room service is efficient as the food arrived hot/warm. with love form a Malaysian 🇲🇾

  • Carlos Eduardo

    Carlos Eduardo


    Nice hotel, confortable room

  • Fabiano Brandão Majorana

    Fabiano Brandão Majorana


    Good option to stay in Buenos Aires. Near of everything

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