Hotel Plaza del Sol i Rosario

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaHotel Plaza del Sol


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1059, San Juan, S2000, Rosario, Rosario, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 341 421-9899
internet side:
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Latitude: -32.950313, Longitude: -60.638541

kommentar 5

  • caro cardinal giuseppone

    caro cardinal giuseppone


    Hermoso, confortable, cerca de todo

  • seba



    It's good, but quite run down, it doesn't have breakfast, sometimes there's no hot water. It is a vintage hotel that was reused, but small investments like a microwave or a hot water dispenser would be good.

  • Leonardo R. T.

    Leonardo R. T.


    Comfortable. Excellent

  • Rodrigo Cettour

    Rodrigo Cettour


    The place is nice but it is a bit abandoned, the elevator did not stop on our floor, I had to bathe with cold water 2 times (supposedly because others are using the hydromassage) The wi fi directly did not work on our floor. There is no buffet or breakfast and the water in the dispenser is cold Coordination with the manager is lacking since there is no reception and delivery to another person who appeared half an hour later

  • Oren Ofer

    Oren Ofer


    Very old. the locations wasn't attractive either.

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