Howard Johnson Hotel Cordoba i Córdoba

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ArgentinaHoward Johnson Hotel Cordoba



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20, Avenida Figueroa Alcorta, Córdoba, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 351 429-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: -31.4135934, Longitude: -64.191272

kommentar 5

  • Carlos V

    Carlos V


    excellent service and great location

  • Marcos Albuquerque

    Marcos Albuquerque


    Excellent service but terrible hotel. It needs renovation urgently

  • Felix Javier Hernandez

    Felix Javier Hernandez


    Nice hotel, rooms and staff, breakfast is very tipical for South America, all sweets, they should maybe add some salty choices

  • cheryl chongsiam

    cheryl chongsiam


    I was shocked that the Howard Johnson was advertised as an upscale hotel. It's a 3 star by Canadian standards at best. The rooms/washrooms and linens were more indicative of a roadside inn. The best factor the hotel had were comfortable beds and a fantastic staff. Without the bed and the patient friendly staff, the Howard Johnson would definitely get a 2. Our first room stank of cigarette smoke, the orange linens and pillows had white crusty stuff on them, the floors didn't look vacuumed and we were given 2 bath towels for 4 people. We were switched to another room which had a washroom that was the size of a small closet. It was hard to get into the shower stall, and again, only 2 towels for 4 people. At least our 2nd room had duvets. We specifically wanted a hotel with a pool. They're pool was TINY and there was mold or mildew on the edges. I wouldn't let the kids in it. Luckily we were going to cottages (La Josefa in Curo Brochero) with a large beautiful pool after our stay at the hotel, otherwise we'd have been incredibly disappointed. We had trouble wth our keys in both rooms. We stayed during the end of one of the busiest tourist weekends. Maybe they were overwhelmed. Still, I'll try other hotels in the 4 or 5 star range next time.

  • Adrienne Jung

    Adrienne Jung


    Outdated and not very clean. Poorly equipped gym. Decent food at the restaurant, but they always seem to forget something for room service. The friendly staff is what saves it from a single star rating.

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