Ker Belgrano Apart Hotel & Spa i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaKer Belgrano Apart Hotel & Spa


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2727, Vuelta de Obligado, C1428, Comuna 13, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4789-9383
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.5555196, Longitude: -58.4607193

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carolina Lavecchia


    Nice friendly hotel, perfectly clean and comfortable rooms Excellent bed and pillows Very good breakfast

  • Syahrir Syahrir

    Syahrir Syahrir


    Air con does not work

  • Tom Zajdel

    Tom Zajdel


    Good location, nice people, but lousy b'fast, a/c works bad. Check out at 10. Still not too expensive.

  • Gary Whitehurst

    Gary Whitehurst


    Took great care of me during my visit from the USA. Front desk communicated in English. Great continental breakfast. Very safe.

  • en

    Claudia Hardenacke


    I spent five nights at the Ker Belgrano Apart & Spa and they were absolutely horrible. I regret very much having booked this hotel. There was some sports team at the hotel who behave extremely inconsiderately, very very loud, screaming, shouting, slamming the doors, singing - and the hotel management did nothing to stop them or was utterly unsuccessful even though I called every night because even with ear plugs there was no way to find sleep before two or three o´clock in the morning. I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED ANYTHING LIKE THIS IN A HOTEL. I will never go back to this chain of hotels, it totally spoilt my stay in Buenos Aires. Room was spacious, bed good, bathroom quite small, hotel could definitely improve cleanliness. Lots of hairs on the floor in room. Location good.

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