La Aguada Hotel Boutique de Montaña i Coneta

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ArgentinaLa Aguada Hotel Boutique de Montaña


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Paraje La Aguada s/n, K4724 Coneta, Catamarca, Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 383 424-6656
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Latitude: -28.542227, Longitude: -65.88615

kommentar 5

  • Gaston Van Opstal

    Gaston Van Opstal


    Excellent atmosphere and infrastructure... Only soundproofing can be improved The setting is beautiful!

  • walter diego

    walter diego


    The best place to rest near San Fernando del Valle.

  • Analia Carrasco

    Analia Carrasco


    I thought it was a nice place, it's a shame that those who serve you judge you by your appearances, we went to meet and spend the day but they didn't want to receive us, what's more, the man stood outside waiting for us to leave. Zero kindness.

  • Daniel Carrio

    Daniel Carrio


    One of the best mountain hotels I went to. Everything impeccable. From the reservation, now in charge of Jeremías, to the attention from Nacho, the manager, a charming person who goes out of his way for good service, kindness and respect. Nestled in a dream place, with not very easy access for those who do not know it, they give this wonderful place a particular exclusivity. We were ten bikers, they reserved the hotel for us alone, that is, we were a group of friends enjoying the magic of the central valley of Catamarca. Really highly recommended!

  • Huub Van Rooij

    Huub Van Rooij



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