La Maison i San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaLa Maison



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858, San Martín, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 5962-3955
internet side:
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Latitude: -28.4689846, Longitude: -65.7746047

kommentar 5

  • Nora Blanco

    Nora Blanco


    The truth is that the owner, very confused as soon as we arrived, explained places to see but as soon as he finished he asked us to pay him, in the reservations he does not tell you that the bathrooms are shared and on top of that the shower has no place to move, the rooms full of humidity, I do not recommend the place

  • Beatriz Inchausti

    Beatriz Inchausti


    I hired a double room with a private bathroom and they gave me a shared one and in terrible conditions. Very small room, without maintenance of any kind. Price does not match what is given. False Booking data. Only the location is good, two blocks from downtown.

  • Christelle JUGAULT

    Christelle JUGAULT


    Substandard accommodation. The room is dusty and smells damp and musty. Impossible to open the window to ventilate. No heating in the bathroom or ventilation. The shower curtain was sticking. It was not engaging to wash. The owner made us pay more than the expected price by lying about the exchange rate (the price of the room was already prohibitive given the service!). Passable breakfast. Luckily it was only a stopover on our trip and we only stayed one night Really avoid!!!!

  • Betina Coronel

    Betina Coronel


    A house with very elegant details. Comfortable bed, delicious breakfast. Very good attention, cordiality and all the necessary information to know the capital.

  • Gilles FIORI

    Gilles FIORI


    Attention! - scam on the exchange rate (when we passed: 135 made us a payment in pesos at the rate of 165 results 20 € more expensive than our reservation by Booking. - dilapidated wing: bad smell (musty) from the bathroom, and bad smell in the bedroom - dilapidated window preventing direct access from the bedroom to the garden and preventing ventilation. Not to say that bad: decent breakfast, good location, decent bed. That said: run away!

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