La Pepa - Posada Rural i Córdoba

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ArgentinaLa Pepa - Posada Rural


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Ex Ruta 36 - Km 611, X5800, Córdoba, Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 9 3571 53-1589
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Latitude: -33.0291257, Longitude: -64.3597375

kommentar 5

  • MARIANA Sosa

    MARIANA Sosa



  • gaston ferraro

    gaston ferraro


    An excellent place! Beautiful the place, the attention of 10. Super recommended!

  • Gabriela Pena

    Gabriela Pena


    The cabin, which has nothing to envy in price to one in Carlos Paz or any tourist place of the Cordoba mountains, is located in a quiet place in a rural area of ​​Río Cuarto. We rented it through an accommodation rental page where firstly the location is not the real one and the lady who contacted us did not know how to give us the precise location, so it was difficult to reach ... the park is very well maintained and It is spacious and cute but there is no privacy. The cabin has some defects or details not specified in the publication. First, it doesn't have two rooms but a matrimonial room in a kind of floating floor with bathroom (the only one) which is accessed by an almost vertical staircase. The bathroom is the best of the cabin, since it has hydromassage. The other room is part of the living room and is nothing more than a bunk bed with seabed and another sailor (total 5 people below). The kitchen has very few utensils and when we arrived we had no gas, which was solved by the lady who lives in the nearby cabin. The pool is not for the exclusive use of the tenants. Half day visitors and children from 2 years old are charged, which is very strange, since they did not have beds or any extra services. They provide sheets but no towels and cleaning was not appropriate especially in the kitchen utensils. Although I liked the place, unfortunately I would not return. I recommend more clarity in the post. regards

  • Agustina Llanos

    Agustina Llanos


    The park is beautiful, however the house did not conform to the description ... the concept of "cleanliness" was quite limited, the 2 rooms are quite questionable and privacy is not really respected. The bathroom is difficult to access. But beware, here everything is extra: if they can, they will make you pay even the air, but black, of course!

  • Nathalie Marquez

    Nathalie Marquez


    We arrived at the cabin through an accommodation rental page and the publication is not true to reality. It did not have two rooms as advertised, but one of them was a dining room with beds with scattered sea beds. The bathroom was located on the top floor, which was accessible by a fire ladder ... Not suitable for the elderly, children or pregnant women. Those details should not be omitted! They charge 2 year olds, that seemed abusive! The park was fine, although there was no privacy. In general, I perceived little experience in the field. I would not go back.

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