La Poesía i AAL

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ArgentinaLa Poesía



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502, Chile, C1098, AAL, Comuna 1, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 43007340
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.616143, Longitude: -58.373251

kommentar 5

  • Mert Mertcan

    Mert Mertcan


    This place is a MUST... Food and beer was so good. Their specials create for exactly to eat with beer.

  • Jessica Ureste (Jess)

    Jessica Ureste (Jess)


    The cappuccino italiano was pretty good here. Perfect amount of sweetness and not watered down like some older cafes sometimes do.

  • Marc Remus

    Marc Remus


    I was drawn into this little café in Buenos Aires by its amazing interior design. It is full of little knickknacks and has lots of exciting decor to look at. It also has dozens of pictures of famous Argentinian people on the upper floor. Lots of photo opportunities. I only had coffee and medialunas (sweet croissants) here, so I can't judge the food but the waiters were very friendly and I loved the atmosphere.

  • Kat Es

    Kat Es


    Literally the worst food I've ever ordered... Strange taste, rolls with plastic cheese and anchovy on the top? Horrible quality and high prices. The only edible were tomatoes.

  • Sheyma Alfak

    Sheyma Alfak


    Good drinks but not good quality food, the restaurant was nice decorated like European 80s bars, we ordered pasta and didn't touch it, the food was cold and not good quality but the Vermo drink was nice

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