Lave.Rap i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1290, Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen, C1086, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4381-4344
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Latitude: -34.609894, Longitude: -58.384662

kommentar 5

  • Steve Woolsey

    Steve Woolsey


    The people running the laundry are kind and seem nice, but the idea of self service laundry seems like it is still a new thing here. All my clothes were folded when I brought them in so they fit (with extra space left over) in the baskets they provide but they said it was too much and would not allow me to use 1 machine. I tried to remove several items but they still insisted it was too much. I didn’t want to waste time searching for another self serve laundry so I used their machines. Of course as I was loading the washers I could see that neither were half full. So in the end I paid 260 ARS when I know if I had shopped around I could have done it elsewhere for half the price (I’ve been traveling with the same bag of clothes so from experience I know I can wash in 1 load).

  • en

    Cillian Duggan


    I went here based on its proximity to my hostel and good reviews I had read. I put 2 bags of clothes in. I found on returning to my hostel that my good jacket was it in the bag. I returned the following day to get it back and the lady said I needed to know the name of the person who gave me back the bag. As if I asked her for her name. Use this if you want but I recommend stay away

  • en

    Rocky Kanbi


    100 pesos per basket of clothes (baskets are pretty big enough for one person) drop off your clothes and they're ready to collect within 2-3 hours, cleaned dry and folded

  • en

    Faye Fitz


    We went in search of a self service laundromat in Buenos Aires and came across Lavaya near Av. De Mayo. The staff spoke enough english for us to communicate and they were exceptionally helpful. Very cost effective.

  • Pat Mac

    Pat Mac


    Needed our clothes quick and they helped us! Thanks heaps :) 🇦🇺

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