Los Amigos Eventos Parrilla Galpon Soc. Rural i Bahía Blanca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaLos Amigos Eventos Parrilla Galpon Soc. Rural



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Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 291 419-5919
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: -38.7008003, Longitude: -62.3373495

kommentar 5

  • Marcelo Sbarski

    Marcelo Sbarski


    Good attention and very rich the bondiolite

  • Sebastian Mántel

    Sebastian Mántel


    Very good place of meals, warm, with grill, kitchen and heating.

  • Paola Hitce

    Paola Hitce


    Excellent meat. Despite the number of people we were very well attended. Fair price.

  • Fernando FRETES

    Fernando FRETES


    Very good service, excellent quality of meat and very well roasted, very tasty pure pork sausages seasoned properly from the pig farm. The empanadas, one of the best I've had in recent years. To improve, have at least a debit card since when one sat down to eat with the family it is not reasonable for me to have to get up from the table, to go to the mobile ATM, located more than 300 meters away to withdraw money and that a family sitting eating properly and with a normal drink exceeded $ 3,500. Today we are used to moving with only little cash and yes with debit and credit cards. In short, very good food as well as very good service.

  • María Mendez

    María Mendez


    Excellent attention. Super cordial And the best roast and empanadas I've had.

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