M & E Urbano Buenos Aires i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaM & E Urbano Buenos Aires



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576, Suipacha, C1008, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 9 11 5502-0307
internet side: www.amaliaascarza.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.601509, Longitude: -58.3797607

kommentar 5

  • Lasting Imprints

    Lasting Imprints


    I’ve had Botox throughout the years, but this was by far my best experience and results- erased all the lines on my face with a very natural look. It’s been a month later and it still looks flawless. If you’re in the area definitely stop by for any of their services. The office is beautiful, treatment areas extremely clean, and all of their staff is very nice (many speak English).

  • Pablo Tomasini

    Pablo Tomasini


    Very good attention

  • Júpiter Hon Lo

    Júpiter Hon Lo


    The receptionist is very nice, beautiful and efficient.

  • Graciela Schwindt

    Graciela Schwindt


    It is an excellent place where you are pampered and cared for very well, all the staff and doctors always look for one that feels comfortable and pampered, thanks for all that they are and do daily ❤

  • Maria Belen Sanchez

    Maria Belen Sanchez


    Excellent attention from the receptionists very attentive to everything! The medical team is very good, they take out all your doubts and work with great care and love for what they do, I am going for the third session of permanent hair removal and I have almost nothing beautiful, they use high-quality equipment and the setting is very beautiful . I highly recommend it.

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