Möoi i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5468, Costa Rica, C1414, Comuna 14, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4773-7246
internet side: www.mooirestaurant.com
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Latitude: -34.5836603, Longitude: -58.4335939

kommentar 5

  • Alessio Lacco

    Alessio Lacco


    Great great Place. Food is outstanding the service this time was kid slow. A lot server but they look not ready for get busy. The eggs are fantastic

  • Hernán Matías Sito

    Hernán Matías Sito


    Good if you are into the healthy food scene but they don't have much more to offer. They have good coffee and cakes though.

  • Mylo Riley

    Mylo Riley


    We had a great steak here - the salads are fresh and portions generous. There is a nice patio in the back. Staff is very friendly.

  • Emilio Rincones

    Emilio Rincones


    Had the Crispy Salmon, really tasty. Highly recommend. Friendly staff. Great ambiance.

  • Richard Allin

    Richard Allin


    Great wee find for breakfast one morning on our way. Had waffles which were amazing completely covered in chocolate. Good coffee, good service, very reasonable pricing.

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