MVC Odontología i Morón

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaMVC Odontología



🕗 åbningstider

754, Almirante Guillermo Brown, B1708, Morón, Morón, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4629-7656
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.6507873, Longitude: -58.6191825

kommentar 5

  • marcela videla

    marcela videla


    Excellent attention ! Doctor Virginia has an extraordinary hand, always very attentive and explains the procedures she performs very well. Thank you for all your very loving care.

  • Ailin Grisolia Romano

    Ailin Grisolia Romano


    Dra Virgina is very attentive, warm and honest. 100% recommended. The office is very neat and has everything you need for a complete consultation.

  • Angeles Ortega

    Angeles Ortega


    I am grateful to have met the Dra. She came from many dental issues without solutions, and she solved everything for me without pain. With a lot of professionalism, and with a very neat office in addition, with care for covid-19. Excellent!.

  • Adriana Olivares

    Adriana Olivares


    Thank you, my dear Virginia, 2 years of treatment and my smile says it all, there is still a long way to go but there is less to come, I can't wait to go back and finish everything, today my mouth is healthy and without fear of those long nights of pain. Nice job!!! And if I must confess that I have fallen asleep many times while working Virginia a sign that I had no pain. I recommend her not only for me but also my son and my husband were taken care of by her.

  • Cristina Fern

    Cristina Fern


    A very unpleasant person. I said I did not have my turn when I had requested by system. When we arrived we said through the intercom to come back later, we left for the building and to come back in the time we were saying when you have a waiting room. Hot summer and waited on the stairs. When the time came we were served very badly catered saying no children and my son is almost 16 years. He checked over. Very rude and unprofessional. I do not recommend

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