Odontologa Beatriz Mariela Bosernitzan i Salta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaOdontologa Beatriz Mariela Bosernitzan


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870, Santiago del Estero, Salta, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 387 422-4481
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Latitude: -24.7846688, Longitude: -65.4141654

kommentar 2

  • Noelia Romero

    Noelia Romero


    I called to request an appointment for a root canal. When I asked the price, he told me not to worry that he could do it with a credit card. I told him that it was cash and I asked him again about the cost but he again avoided the price issue and insisted that he could do it in installments or with a card. I found it very cloudy. In the end, I called Dr. Nicolas Cornejo's parlor and the same secretary gave me a turn and told me the amount to pay, without returns. It was also an impeccable job.

  • Marta Hernandez

    Marta Hernandez


    I do NOT recommend this dentist, I was cheated, in Salta, apart, manipulative, liar. I gave him $ 6000 and a partial denture. I come and go to his office today was the third time he made me the mold. What I charge in the beginning, now I increase $ 3000. Of course I won't go anymore, I lost the money and the prosthesis.

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