Parada 9 El mercado i General Pacheco

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ArgentinaParada 9 El mercado



🕗 åbningstider

3990, Presidente Perón, B1617, General Pacheco, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 2246 55-8447
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Latitude: -34.4408268, Longitude: -58.6800669

kommentar 5

  • El mismo de siempre

    El mismo de siempre


    The price of everything is very expensive, everything that they sell in this kiosk; they rip your head off. Things that they can afford because they are the only one on the avenue and one of the few in the area, but they are really abused.

  • Tomás Ojeda

    Tomás Ojeda


    A giant sign that says "Super Hot Dogs." They don't sell hot dogs.

  • Amancay Urrere Pon

    Amancay Urrere Pon


    It is not a market, it is a Maxi kiosk Excellent attention and kindness. First class products. Freshly made empanadas and milanese sandwiches! Delicious!!!

  • Agustor Rosso

    Agustor Rosso


    I loved

  • Maximiliano Casas

    Maximiliano Casas


    The sandwiches against the glass wrapped in film. They should be cooled more in this heat. Like food that is not covered with something and flies walk ... Taking that out is varied and they have everything.

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