Rincón Ecuatoriano i Buenos Aires

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ArgentinaRincón Ecuatoriano



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977, Moreno, C1091, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 40789193
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: -34.6116449, Longitude: -58.3801284

kommentar 5

  • es

    Alberto Yegros


    Muy cálida atención y rica comida.

  • Tomás E. Bejarano

    Tomás E. Bejarano


    Rica comida y buenos precios. Es una buena opción para quien busca algo diferente. Si bien el ambiente no me gustó mucho, la decoración me pareció muy berreta, no se dejen llevar por la primera impresión por qué la comida es muy rica, de buena calidad y barata. Pedí un seviche, uno de los mejores que comí.

  • Roxanna Montenegro

    Roxanna Montenegro


    Bueno bonito y barato! Lo único el camarero que no sabe atender y es muy lento, lo demás perfecto!

  • es

    Graciela Dangelo


    Exquisita comida ecuatoriana. Bien servida, platos abundantes y muy económico. Los jugos de tamarindo y multifruta riquísimos!

  • Rick Powell

    Rick Powell


    SECOND VISIT UPDATE: Rincon is just around the corner from where I'm staying so I popped in for a late lunch. The sign outside had something on it called, Papi Pollo, which made me laugh so I asked the very tall guy hanging out outside what it was and he explained it was two pieces of fried chicken, papas and salad, so I said, Dale. Apparently they were out of raw chicken because I watched as the big tall dude went out to buy some right after I ordered. Figured I'd have a long wait but it wasn't really. On the plate when it came: Two quite large pieces of fried chicken, battered and crunchy, thigh + wing and breast, a marinated red cabbage salad with small strips of green pepper and red onion, and your standard so-so BA fries. Everything but the fries was quite good, the chicken rivaling the perfectly fried pieces at Nola for less money and nearly 3 times as big a serving. If they were in the same neighborhood, I would almost always choose this place. for those reasons. The chicken isn't the lovely darker brown as at Nola, but it's been my observation that South Americans tend to shy away from the longer fries that we're used to in the States. That's just one reason why the fries always suck. But anyway, I could have eaten more of the great salad. I normally can't stand raw green pepper, but the salad was well marinated, so both the cabbage and pepper had time to wilt a bit in the vinegar and lemon juice. Just perfect. Also perfect was the little dish of salsa picante I asked for, a deep green, somewhat smoky, complex near-paste of chilies, completely different from the slightly milder bright orange-red concoction from the previous visit. Great stuff went on nearly every bite. When the server, who doubled as cook on that day, took my plates I complimented her. She thanked me but also demurred saying that normally she marinates and spices the chicken before frying but didn't have time. Well, well, have to come back for more fried chicken! FIRST VISIT: I'd never had Ecuadorian food before so I have no idea whether or not this restaurant serves representative or even good renditions of local dishes, but it was good enough and I'm curious enough to come back. I had a daily special, which was fried fish and rice. The server warned me it was a whole fish, not cut-up pieces, and I said, Oh, cool. Exactly that, and she looked at me funny. She asked me if I wanted to add beans on the side for an extra 30 pesos and since I love beans, I said sure. Almost immediately out came a small ramekin of brigh, bright hot sauce, which the server warned me about. However, it wasn't until the fish came out twenty minutes later that I had anything to put it on. You can bet I tried a few fingertips-full of it, though. Pretty good, and welcome. The battered-and-fried whole fish was small, but perfectly cooked. As far as I'm concerned, if it's done right, this is one of the best ways to cook a small fish. I got as much moist, flakey flesh off the fish as I possibly could and enjoyed every bite. Don't forget the cheeks, and you can eat the skin, too. The rice, however, was still in chunks in spots from storage and then microwaving, and a bit dry. It needed the hot sauce, as well, and I didn't bother to eat all of it as I usually do in Peruvian joints. The beans were just OK. They would have been better cooked with meat or stock, but the dish did need something else other than the rice. All in all a good meal, not a great one, and a bit bland. The menu included a drink, by the way, so a good deal these days. I'll be back soon.

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