San Remo City Hotel i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaSan Remo City Hotel


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24, Talcahuano, C1013, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4381-9523
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.6083121, Longitude: -58.3851186

kommentar 5

  • cucciolo Fenu

    cucciolo Fenu


    Be careful at all times. My bag it's been stoled from the reception baggage storage and checking the cctv cameras, no one apart the staff members it's been there. So BE REALLY CAREFUL

  • Dean Sampano Expert In Leadership-Business Training

    Dean Sampano Expert In Leadership-Business Training


    This is perhaps the best value in Buenos Aires. It’s a great location, very close to all the shops and restaurants. The rooms are clean. It’s great for sleep. The best part is the staff. So helpful and they go the extra mile. We will stay here again. Canada

  • dario miranda

    dario miranda


    Very nice

  • Jeremias Araujo

    Jeremias Araujo


    more clean.

  • Nichalas Brown

    Nichalas Brown


    It's a nice hotel that fits any budget, the rooms are clean and it's situated in a nice neighborhood of Congreso

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