Shell i General Pacheco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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851, Boulogne Sur Mer, B1617, General Pacheco, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 810-999-7435
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.4653505, Longitude: -58.6262222

kommentar 5

  • Jose Zanlongo

    Jose Zanlongo


    Sad but bad attention from the little Cordovan they have there badly spoken above they are gossiping and they don't attend you quickly .... what a pity they lose customers like that there are already several with the same complaints if the owner does something ...... ..rating ....00000

  • Damian Bustos

    Damian Bustos


    Very good attention

  • gustavo Diaz

    gustavo Diaz


    Quick service with great kindness.

  • Adrian Rico

    Adrian Rico


    Unfortunately, a very bad attention from the manager of the shop, a girl with blond hair and a white shirt, is unpleasant, she overcharges me for the menu and mistreats the clients and the other girls who are attending, who do provide good attention. I don't go anymore because of the bad moment that he made me and my guests go through- I should understand that the client is the priority in a business.

  • Jane Simian

    Jane Simian


    Excellent service

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