Suipacha Suites i Buenos Aires

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ArgentinaSuipacha Suites



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1235, Suipacha, 1011, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4819-3600
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Latitude: -34.5936083, Longitude: -58.3797022

kommentar 5

  • Saeed Shah

    Saeed Shah


    The location of this hotel is great and my split-level room was massive! This is where the praises end unfortunately. Everything in the building, from the lifts to the bathroom fixtures, is dated, clunky and in serious need of some TLC. Staff were helpful enough when required but service was terrible, with not even one housekeeping visit during a week-long stay. Had to chase up three times to get towels changed. My room happened to be right next to the lift shaft so I had to contend with those noises at all hours as the insulation did not do enough to keep them out. I paid the equivalent of $35 per night and am not super fussy, so I can see this working out for someone on a budget that will spend most day outside. Otherwise I would suggest to look elsewhere.

  • Luis Rada

    Luis Rada


    The service is great, nice people willing to help you. It is kind of an old building, but it is just right for the price

  • Sulaiman Alhattali

    Sulaiman Alhattali


    Nice location with very helpful staff.

  • Pedro Guedes

    Pedro Guedes


    Stopped in Time Nice location and personnel Old moldy rooms Old air conditioning equipment WiFi only available at the lobby Maybe it was a 5 stars hotel, 30 years ago

  • Dagomir Marquezi

    Dagomir Marquezi


    Good service, nice location.

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