Sushi Tiki i La Rioja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaSushi Tiki



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448, Joaquín V. González, F5300, La Rioja, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54
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Latitude: -29.4077302, Longitude: -66.8560288

kommentar 5

  • Cintia Barrios

    Cintia Barrios


    Very rich, excellent service

  • Martin Villarroel

    Martin Villarroel


    The sushi is very good, just a little late..

  • Ariel Bazan

    Ariel Bazan


    Good Sushi, the only thing I would have to criticize if it is constructive would be that when you buy more than 30 pieces they only give you two Wasabi balls and two small sauces, the rest is perfect!!

  • Alejandra Miranda

    Alejandra Miranda


    Very good variety! Excellent attention...

  • Antonio Ramón Satuff

    Antonio Ramón Satuff


    Rich, well-prepared and well-priced sushi. Good variety and assorted combos. Regarding the presentation, it is necessary to add a plastic film under the rolls even if they are not in direct contact with the cardboard of the box. Good service and extensive payment options, although they forget about any special orders such as adding more wasabi, or getting a sauce, etc.

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