Susurros i Florencio Varela

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2173, Humaita, B1888, Florencio Varela, Florencio Varela, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4210-0156
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.7743826, Longitude: -58.2695815

kommentar 5

  • Erika Vanesa Fernandez

    Erika Vanesa Fernandez


    Good place, clean, comfortable rooms, I have no complaints

  • Jonathan Flores

    Jonathan Flores


    It's the best there and super excellent everything, highly recommended, thanks whisperS

  • Calixto 74

    Calixto 74


    Basic, comfortable and warm rooms but the bathroom with water leaks in the toilets, they do not have toothbrushes, shampoo and conditioner only one, check the beds, I found hair of different colors, oh and also in the bidet. 1 $1800 per shift and varies according to schedules and days between 1:30 the shift to 2:30

  • Federico Orio

    Federico Orio


    The truth is that after 15 years I returned to that place so much I remember that I have there

  • Flor. M

    Flor. M


    What I did not like that in the bathroom instead of putting toilet paper they put a napkin, another hot water to bathe we did not have and another one we closed the bottom curtain in the parking lot and when we got down it was all full; I believe that no matter how much one goes the way it is, they do not have to open it, something is paid for.

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