Temaiken i Belén de Escobar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ruta Provincial 25 KM 1, B1625 Belén de Escobar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 3488 43-6900
internet side: www.temaiken.org.ar
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Latitude: -34.3638887, Longitude: -58.8020729

kommentar 5

  • Erwann Bouedo

    Erwann Bouedo


    Ice-cream and wild fauna not too far from the capital. A pleasant family setting for all.

  • Alejandro Sarco

    Alejandro Sarco


    If you like birds, there are hundreds of species from all over the world, other animals are a bit scarce. I'm still trying to understand what the "bosquesaurio" is all about, because it was nothing more than an artificial dark cave with nothing in it. In general everything feels like very artificial, and not very interesting, but kids will definitely have a good time. The aquarium had a few good species, but mostly a lot of fishes were the same.

  • en

    gang li


    its a good place for kids, you can be there by bus, and a lots of different animals, really a big surprise to me.

  • Damian Rodrigo Olivera Bergallo

    Damian Rodrigo Olivera Bergallo


    Love this bio zoo, really nice place to visit with family and to take great pictures. The have really nice animals, my kids favorites are the flamingos, the tigers, and the cheetas. I dont know why now they put dinosaurs and the make a lot of constant noise, that wasnt there before and it was better as that noise isn't good when you are trying to enjoy the animals in peace. Overall pretty good.

  • Javier Llaneza

    Javier Llaneza


    Very nice park to visit with family and/or friends. It has several places to eat within the park, and all animals look perfectly healthy and their habitats are clean and sharp. Recommended!

nærmeste Zoo

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