Up Viamonte i Buenos Aires

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ArgentinaUp Viamonte



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1373, Viamonte, C1053, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4371-9993
internet side: www.hotelviamonte.com.ar
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.6003884, Longitude: -58.3863462

kommentar 5

  • Saeed Shah

    Saeed Shah


    My room was spacious and the bed was huge, as well as super comfortable. The room could do with better maintenance and the bathroom and other equipment was dated, although everything was in decent nick. Housekeeping and staff were lovely, always courteous and helpful. The insulation was great and shut out outside noises very well, but it must be mentioned that the metro rumbles can be heard even on the 6th floor. This was never loud enough to disturb however and I consider myself somewhat sensitive. The same cannot be said for the loud AC however, I often had to switch it off when going to sleep. Previous reviews mention spotty WiFi but I am happy to report it was super stable and speedy (measured at 130mbps). The location is amazing and the price was pretty good, so I can happily recommend staying here if you are minding your budget and especially if you will be spending most day outside of your room.

  • HJ LEE

    HJ LEE


    Good location but Poor wifi. Too slow to have a video conference.

  • Pwykka



    Really nice and knowledgeable staff, the perfect place to stay if you need to be in the .middle of the city and within walking distance or subway ride of Pretty much everything, I'm taking one star off because the wifi was really spotty

  • Kathia Rud

    Kathia Rud


    Perfect place to stay for that price! Central, clean, friendly staff, and good food in the restaurant too!

  • Ann Hong

    Ann Hong


    I like the hotel location, which is not far from major interesting points and are relative quiet street. The hotel staffs are very nice. Caesar helps us get tango show reserved from Cafe Torten, which we didn't get ticket the last night.

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