Vita Buenos Aires i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaVita Buenos Aires



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Darwin, C1414, Comuna 14, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 3484-1396
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.585951, Longitude: -58.434559

kommentar 5

  • en

    Matias irigoyen


    One of the best places of the Night in Buenos Aires. Great crowd and great music. Perfect for finding out what party in Buenos Aires Means.

  • Nico Cipolla

    Nico Cipolla


    Being the resident DJ I think VITA it’s one of the coolest nightclub in Palermo. Nice atmosphere, nice people and good drinks. It’s like the place where the nicest and best people in Buenos Aires go. If you are not from Argentina , it’s a good place for making some social and meeting new people. You have an excellent bar/restaurant with a small but good menu (4/5 different plates and 8 different types of sushi). And then you have the Disco part. If you want to do a complete night you should make a reservation , have some dinner at the bar/restaurant and then you go to the Club (they are right to each other).

  • Edgar Anzola

    Edgar Anzola


    Nice play for party

  • Juan Alvarez

    Juan Alvarez


    Excellent club although the area isn't exactly tourist-friendly

  • Adele W

    Adele W


    Reasonable prices and delicious food. Try the cakes!! Plus aircon, wifi and good vegan vibes :p

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