Viví Market Café y Cocina i City Bell

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ArgentinaViví Market Café y Cocina


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528, Calle Cantilo, B1896, City Bell, La Plata, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 221 507-0851
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Latitude: -34.8708694, Longitude: -58.0456496

kommentar 5

  • ines micaela santana

    ines micaela santana


    Very good attention

  • Matias Vazquez

    Matias Vazquez


    Spectacular! country level

  • Dario Albornoz

    Dario Albornoz


    very good breakfasts

  • Giuli Scalise

    Giuli Scalise


    I ordered the market snack, the menu said to include coffee/tea, orange juice, toast, a croissant and a portion of pudding. I chose the cafe con leche, which tasted like water. Toast and croissant were good. The portion of pudding I chose the one with red fruits, which had no flavor at all. They didn't give me orange juice (at the time I asked they didn't tell me there wasn't any), when I asked about the juice they told me there wasn't any and they gave me an aquarius, which they then charged me for as well as the total amount for breakfast when it was incomplete. The service is good, the food is not.

  • Ga Samañgo

    Ga Samañgo


    Good attention. Very clean bathrooms. Very attentive the girls who, if they see that we did not eat something that we ordered, will arrange it for us to take it. Reasonable prices and large portions. Delicious snacks always. Highly recommended.

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