Cabañas Yakaira w Valle Grande

ArgentynaCabañas Yakaira


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Valle Grande, Mendoza, Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 9 260 460-0863
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -34.7670605, Longitude: -68.4244712

komentarze 5

  • Rocio Gonzalez

    Rocio Gonzalez


    It is always a pleasure to return to these cabins, they have all the comforts for those who just want to stay and rest!!! The Kindness of Roxi and her daughter Monse is the one that stands out the most🫠♥️

  • Gaston Villagra

    Gaston Villagra


    They rob you in that place, be careful, it's the same night watchman who sends you to steal from the cabins across the street, we went with my family and we had a terrifying night, we rented three cabins, and one of the nights we all ate together in one inviting to the serene Maikol for dinner when we were eating they robbed us of the other two cabins the owner an enlarged arrogance they work with the police

  • Debora Gonzalez

    Debora Gonzalez


    The cabins are very comfortable with everything you need! The location is very good, the locals are very friendly, we had a problem with one of the air conditioners and they fixed it quickly! We had a very good experience!!

  • Angel Paz

    Angel Paz


    Excellent place! Well located, the cabins have everything you need and above all the attention is perfect! Thanks to Monse and his brother Ulises! 100% recommended and we will surely return!

  • José A. Duarte

    José A. Duarte


    If I could not put stars I would. True hospitality on the part of the owner, they gave us a cabin in a poor state of conservation and maintenance, water entered through the extractor, broken lattices, digital TV is tube TV and a direct TV that you must pay for if you want to see, the alarm went off every half hour, there is no tender, pool with lack of maintenance. When making the complaint what we received was mistreatment by the owner. Unfulfilled promise of breakfast, you only pay for the cabin service, that is, you sleep there, no breakfast, no TV, dirty pool, no tending, no cleaning of the cabin, no white clothes (sheets and towels), no shampoo, soap, cream rinse, etc, etc, etc. For us debut and farewell!!

najbliższy Kwatera

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