Banco Itaú - Sucursal 33 i General Pacheco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaBanco Itaú - Sucursal 33



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625, Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen, B1617, General Pacheco, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 810-345-4999
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.4583439, Longitude: -58.6312144

kommentar 5

  • Jorge Jeremías Canaán Méndez

    Jorge Jeremías Canaán Méndez


    The worst bank I have ever had!!! Not only that I had a lot of balance, I couldn't make a purchase, if not added to that after 5 days I couldn't get cash, it said that I exceeded the daily limit, what's? I went to the bank between 10:00 a.m., I left at 1:00 p.m. crowded, dirty without air, only one attended in commercial and another in the cashier, it seemed the public employee of Gasalla, rude and bad attention, I stopped the car, almost applied a Token key, A disgusting bank now! I'll change..😡😡😡😡

  • Ana



    A disaster, the attention especially from the zero helpful guard, pathetic

  • majo majolop

    majo majolop


    They scammed my dad with insurance that he did not ask for and they do not take care of it, people, more than anything, retirees, we now have to ask for a change of bank because they do not know how to solve it when the insurance lasts is theirs

  • Florencia Laura Rios

    Florencia Laura Rios


    Unfortunately, they close 2 hours and do not put a sign, the ATMs are supposed to work 24 hours as the sign says but it is not like that and they do not allow deposits either

  • Jennifer Martinez

    Jennifer Martinez


    the truth is a shame. (Pacheco's HEADQUARTERS) The customer service or attention to the public is reprehensible, inciting the violence of its "own" client. The DISTRACT that exists with people speaks of the MISERABILITY of the STAFF of the bank. From the door to the commercial sector, box. now i wonder yes the same employee SERVES his customers in this way, I don't want to imagine the management. No word!

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