Centro de Servicios Banco Supervielle i General Pacheco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaCentro de Servicios Banco Supervielle



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1001, Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen, General Pacheco, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4740-0756
internet side: www.supervielle.com.ar
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.4612936, Longitude: -58.6364909

kommentar 5

  • Laura Gimenez

    Laura Gimenez


    They attend well only the credit procedures




    Absolute lack of professionalism, poor organization, non-existent telephone service

  • Claudia Barrios Mendez

    Claudia Barrios Mendez


    I went to the branch to buy real and I was surprised at how modernized and the attention to retirees. Everyone was very friendly and expeditious with what I needed to do. Cashier area expands, large commercial area, cashier areas with the usual delays. I went at noon.

  • sergio francia

    sergio francia


    They charge you what happens to grandparents. They were with the insurance and assistance they never requested. With the story that they accept by phone, they debit it into account and when claims take 60 days to impact, they charge you twice more and they never refund the amounts. Imagine the amount of grandparents with this topic.

  • santiago gui

    santiago gui


    I went 2:30 pm (I asked to leave before work) the security tells me that it closed at 2:00 pm and that it reopened at 4:30 pm .. at 5:00 pm I went back and it was closed. Now I see here that it is until 3:00 pm that it is open. One taken of hair. Tomorrow I'm going to change banks. They are a few blemishes

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