Santander Río i General Pacheco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaSantander Río



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797, Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen, B1617, General Pacheco, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4110-3600
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.4595173, Longitude: -58.6332574

kommentar 5

  • Mariano Rivero

    Mariano Rivero


    Never report the loss of a card in this branch, the same day they spent the money that I had in the account, they did not want to block my card and just that day, after 72 hours of losing the card, they looted me, who has the data? Just the bank. They are thiefs. Santander of this branch are thieves

  • patricia ines lococo

    patricia ines lococo


    Does anyone ever answer the phone? Horrible customer service!

  • Leandro 83

    Leandro 83


    The worst bank in the world. Attention is a disaster. The service system is terrible. Almost everyone who attended me is not trained except Germán. They do not fulfill the things that they promise When I asked for a loan they gave me round and round and I had a signed car and the agency waited so long they did not give me the discount they were going to give me. They made me lose my vacation waiting for the loan and this is one of the bad things that this bank has. I don't even recommend it to my worst enemy. With all due respect, the comment goes but it is the truth that this bank is very bad if we compare it with any other. Greetings, I hope they improve or all the clients will leave

  • Claudia Quecuty

    Claudia Quecuty


    ATMs always work half and the other half that "walk" fail. Weekend directly none works. Those ATMs are a mess...

  • Tomas Pulenta

    Tomas Pulenta



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