BBVA i General Pacheco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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921, Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen, B1617, General Pacheco, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4341-6472
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.4606453, Longitude: -58.6353022

kommentar 5

  • Rosa trilli

    Rosa trilli


    They had me 1/2 hour from teller to teller, they went from out of service to this teller, they don't have money, go to another and a third prescribing the entire screen in English. I asked to go up to withdraw from the Caja and they did not let me because the minimum withdrawal is 60,000. Conclusion I had to retire with nothing.

  • Carlos Gonzalez

    Carlos Gonzalez


    Muy buena atención hasta el de seguridad me pudo ayudar con mi problema muy recomendable

  • Claudia Lobo

    Claudia Lobo


    Today I went to the Pacheco branch when I left my job, I went to make a deposit, I'm not so cool, I'm just handling this type of operation... when the person who was attending came out, I approached him very kindly and I said if I could ask him a question...he said in a very bad mood, NO, I'M VERY BUSY.....I also work with people and serve the public.....and I don't attend that way no matter how busy I am. time like this man's is also valuable.....I can only do paperwork after work.....and I rush out to finish my paperwork....I'm a Client. ...I'm not going to bother, just do my paperwork..... Bad service...

  • Trinidad Romero

    Trinidad Romero


    Very good attention

  • Agustin Lorenzo

    Agustin Lorenzo


    ATM's are always broken and it's an unsafe area

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